In the era of complexity with alloy wheel repairs. Inspections on damage and repairs must be coupled to a safety critical standard of high quality but also remain competitive and affordable.
What makes Wheel Collision unique and reflects their commitment to quality and safety, is that Wheel Collision is the ONLY entity in the repair and refurbishment of automotive alloy wheels in South Africa that is recognised and accredited by the SABS as compliant with the Standard (SANS1158) and SABS ISO 9001.
So, what are SABS Standards?
While manufacturer standards for accreditation and approval are mandatory for auto body repairers, SABS Standards are designed for voluntary use, however laws and regulations refer to standards and make compliance with them compulsory.
During May 2015, the South African Bureau of Standards approved of and published a South African Standard SANS1158:2015 Edition 1 – Wheels, Tyres, Rim Dimensions and Repairs, in accordance with procedures of the SABS Standards Division in compliance with Annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement (“the Standard”).
The SABS website explains the needs for standards and benefits for the country, suppliers, and consumers alike. For more information about Standards visit the SABS website